Our Services

IEGC’s specialty lies in that we treat every client as an individual; taking the time to understand your study abroad dreams and aspirations so we can customise our services as per your needs and bring the best possible results.

Our Services

Additional in house services from two Licensed Immigration Advisers

From career consultation to course and university selection to visa assistance – we’ve got you covered. And that’s only the tip of the iceberg!

Licensed Immigration Advisers

Newzeland licensed by immigration advisers authority

Bruce Satchell

License No. 201701075

Naina Satchell

License No. 201600445

We offer a range of services to our clients.
We treat every client as an individual, and provide support that is customized specifically to their needs:

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Student Visas

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Travel and foreign exchange

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Interview preparations

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Accommodation arrangements

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Student insurance

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Admissions and correspondence with Education Providers

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Onshore and offshore aid

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New Zealand pre-departure services.

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Assessing a client’s case and eligibility

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Suggesting suitable courses and Providers

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Opening NZ bank accounts

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Detailed information about course requirements and expectations

Contact Us

No matter where you are, your future in New Zealand is within reach!

With IEGC’s expert guidance across multiple regions, you get personalised support from the best in the industry. From visas to universities, we’ve got it covered.

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